Being made redundant will be one of the most difficult things you experience in your professional life. Generally the reasons for redundancy will be genuine, but the process itself can be abused and used as a way to shift certain personnel out of the business.

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during redundancy, then you do have the right to fight back.

A redundancy can occur when an employer needs to make savings or reorganise the business. If a redundancy is genuine and carried out properly it can be determined by the Employment Tribunal as being a lawful reason for ending someone’s employment.

Whilst a redundancy exercise can be genuine, the process adopted can so often be manipulated by the company to manage targeted employees out of the business. The targeting of employees during a redundancy exercise can sometimes be because the employee is not liked or due to whistleblowing or Discrimination. If you have been unfairly targeted you may have an Employment Tribunal claim.

A redundancy can be challenged for the following reasons:


The redundancy is a sham


The company have used an objective selection criteria


The company have not properly and genuinely consulted


The company have not used the right pool for selection


The selection criteria has not been applied fairly or properly


The company have not looked at all alternatives before making the redundancy

It is important you raise all questions and concerns during the consultation process. If you believe you are being targeted unfairly you could consider raising a Grievance. As soon as you are served with notice of redundancy, you should appeal the outcome. If you believe you are being targeted unfairly you would be well advised to contact us for advice, guidance and support. You should not delay taking advice.